Friday, December 27, 2019

Aldebaran, the Fiery Orange-Red Eye of a Starry Bull

Behind every star in the sky is a fascinating origin tale. Just as the Sun does, they shine by burning fuel in their cores and giving off light. And, like the Sun, many have their planets. All were born in a cloud of gas and dust millions or billions of years ago. And, eventually, all stars grow old and evolve. Thats whats happening to Aldebaran, a star that is practically a neighbor to our own star, the Sun, at 65 light-years distance. Youve probably seen Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus (which is visible to us at night from about October through March each year). Its the reddish-orange star at the top of the V-shaped face of the Bull. Observers in ancient times saw it as many things. The name Aldebaran is from the Arabic word for follower, and it does seem to follow along as the Pleiades star cluster rises higher in the sky late in the year. For the Greeks and Romans it was the eye or the heart of the bull. In India, it represented an astronomical house, and portrayed it a deitys daughter. Others around the world have associated it with the season to come, or even as an aid to the Pleiades (who, in some cultures, were seven women in the sky).   Observing Aldebaran The star itself is fairly easy to spot, particularly beginning in the evening skies of October each year. It also presents a remarkable  experience for skygazers patient enough to wait for it: an occultation. Aldebaran lies close to the ecliptic, which is the imaginary line along which the planets and Moon appear to move as seen from Earth. Occasionally, the Moon will slide between Earth and Aldebaran, essentially occulting it. The event is visible from northern hemisphere locations in the early autumn. Observers with a keen interest in watching it happen  through a telescope can see a detailed  view of the lunar surface  as the star slips slowly behind the Moon and then reappear a short time later. Why Is it in a Vee of Stars? Aldebaran looks like its part of a cluster of stars called the Hyades. This is a V-shaped moving association of stars that lies much farther away from us than Aldebaran does, at a distance of about 153 light-years. Aldebaran happens to lie in the line of sight between Earth and the cluster, so it appears to be part of the cluster. The Hyades themselves are fairly young stars, about 600 million years old. Theyre moving together through the galaxy and in a billion years or so, the stars will have evolved and grown older and scattered apart from each other. Aldebaran will have moved from its position, too, so future observers will no longer see an angry red eye at the top of a vee-shaped swarm of stars. What is Aldebarans Status? Technically speaking Aldebaran is a star that has stopped fusing hydrogen in its core (all stars do this at some point in their lives)  and is now fusing it in a shell of plasma surrounding the core. The core itself is made of helium and collapsed in on itself, sending the temperature and pressure soaring. That heats up the outer layers, causing them to swell. Aldebaran has puffed out so much that its now nearly 45 times the size of the Sun, and is now a red giant. It varies slightly in its brightness, and is slowly blowing its mass out to space. Aldebarans Future In the very distant future, Aldebaran may experience something called a helium flash in its future. This will happen if the core (which is made of helium atoms) gets so densely packed that helium starts trying to fuse to make carbon. The temperature of the core has to be at least 100,000,000 degrees before this will happen, and when it gets that hot, almost all the helium will fuse at once, in a flash. After that, Aldebaran will start to cool and shrink, losing its red giant status. The outer layers of the atmosphere will puff away, forming a glowing cloud of gas that astronomers refer to as a planetary nebula. This wont happen any time soon, but when it does, Aldebaran will, for a short time, glow even more brightly than it does now. Then, it will dim down, and fade slowly away.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence

State the purpose, the audience, the tone, and the speaker of the declaration The purpose is to outline the wrongs the King of Britain and Britain have committed against the colonists, and why this has caused them to want to separate from Britain. The article is written directly for King George III, but it was also for the country of Britain and the thirteen colonies to read, as well as the world to see the separation of the colonies from Britain. The tone is clear and rational, yet it is evident that Jefferson is passionate about what he is saying. The speaker is Thomas Jefferson, who was Secretary of State for George Washington at the time, but went on to become the President of the United States. Look at the differences between the†¦show more content†¦The revised phrase is much more supportive of Jefferson’s argument, and allows less room for disagreement and counterarguments that the original phrase. Consider the speaker’s appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos. Identify 1 example of each and explain the effect of each. (2-3 sentences per appeal) Ethos- Jefferson makes ethical appeals to his audience by referencing God’s will over the separation of the colonies and Britain, stating, â€Å"...becomes dissolve political bands...the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God entitle them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Knowing full well that the majority of his audience, including King George III of Britain at the time, were Christian, Jefferson claims that God has entitled the colonies to separate from Britain. This claim makes it much more difficult to argue with the Declaration, as if a colonist were to argue with the Declaration, they would be directly going against God’s will. Also, the fact that Thomas Jefferson was the Secretary of State to George Washington at the time lended quite a bit of credibility to his opinion. Pathos- â€Å"He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.† By using words such as â€Å"plundered†, â€Å"ravaged†, and â€Å"destroyed†, Thomas Jefferson evokes feelings of rage, as these words are extremelyShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of The Declaration Of Independence.1343 Words   |  6 PagesRhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is arguably the most important historical work of the pre-modern era. Because of this document, America was recognized for its brash, albeit just demands for independence from Britain. Aside from the obvious historical significance and precedence of the document, its composition was constructed in such a way that conveyed the determination of a new nation to be one in its own. Historical context and rhetoricalRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis1639 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The Declaration of Independence† Rhetorical Analysis Essay Composed by Thomas Jefferson and the representatives in the general congress on the historic date of July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was an expeditious response to the many acts legalized by the British Parliament prohibiting the colonists’ freedom, and a dismissal of a partition to the King by the First Continental Congress. Not only did it oppose British acts of tyranny, but it was also an incentive for many other universalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essays1206 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Quang Thai Professor Allison English 101 2 September 2014 Rhetorical Analysis In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, explains to his readers why the colonies chose to abolish Great Britain’s government. His goal is to inform the readers that the government has certain responsibilities to the governed and that the British failed to adhere to its responsibilities to its colonists. His second goal is to justify their actions by explainingRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis830 Words   |  4 Pagesdrafting The Declaration of Independence. Jeffersons belief in the aspects of natural law played a huge influence on the reasoning behind The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independences Preamble is a significant appeal to logos on the grounds of egalitarianism and natural law. His many appeals to logic set the basis for why he believes the thirteen colonies need to secede from Great Britain. Appeals to Pathos: Thomas Jefferson and the drafters of The Decl aration of Independence madeRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis800 Words   |  4 Pages the father of our Declaration of Independence, had the same mentality as him in seeking for freedom. Jefferson decided to write this document as a way of declaring the independence of the United States from Britain. In the document, he states all the harm that Britain has done to the colonists: socially, mentally, and economically. Jefferson just like the colonist wanted peace in their lives, and freedom from the tyranny of King George III. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson usesRead MoreThe Declaration Of Independence Rhetorical Analysis804 Words   |  4 Pages In the second paragraph of The Declaration of Independence is one of historys most regularly quoted passages. â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.† (Jefferson) The Declaration motivated the colonist to seek independence from from the King of Great Britain. Even though the Declaration was trying to point out a positive outcomeRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Slavery In The Declaration Of Independence708 Words   |  3 Pages In his letter he mentioned how freedom was a blessing from heaven, cited a part from the Declaration of Independence, and even made a reference to someone in the Bible. He used many rhetorical strategies to help argue that slavery should be outlawed, for example ethos, religious appeals, and pathos. Mr. Banneker in the second paragraph established ethos by citing a part of the Declaration of Independence. He cited the part about â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are createdRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Benjamin Franklin s The Declaration Of Independence 1116 Words   |  5 Pagesparticularly in the post 9/11 era, it is an ongoing debate as to whether we should be trading some or all of our liberty for security. In the 1770’s, our founding fathers declared their independence from the British. They gave up the protection and economic security they gained from the British Empire. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote: We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights;Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Essay: Cunt, a Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio1026 Words   |  5 PagesInga Muscio is a very influential writer. Over the years she has earned tremendous credibility within the feminist world. In the chapter, â€Å"Rape not Cunt,† from her well known book Cunt, a Declaration of Independence, Inga passionately writes of her feelings about violence against women. She attempts to use rhetoric and captures the reader with a call of action to help prevent further violence against women. However, although Inga Muscio had many valid points about violence against women, her rhetoricRead MoreThe Life Of Frederick Douglass Context1479 Words   |  6 PagesWith his oratorical appeals, in 1852, Douglass delivered a speech that changed the views of millions over the Fourth of July. By using th e experience Douglas has encountered as a slave, the historical context to support his argument and certain rhetorical devices, Douglass remarks a speech in order for the citizens of Rochester to be aware of the hypocrisy of American Slavery. Research As a child, Douglass escaped the harshness of field labor and was transferred to Baltimore where he was taught by

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ruby Moon Monologue Essay Example For Students

Ruby Moon Monologue Essay Analysis of Ruby Moon Ruby Moon is set in Flamming tree grove, about a couple Ray and Sylvie whos child Ruby goes missing. The worried parents continue to spend all their days and nights trying to piece together any information they can find about their missing daughter Ruby. As they review everything they know about the case the story turns into a detective inquest, they question all the eccentric characters on the street to try and seek clues as to what actually happened to their daughter Ruby. The characters include a Parrot-owning Christian, a wanna be clown, an ex-solider, a seductive emptress, a former babysitter and a mad scientist. Each one of these characters is a potential suspect in the murder or disappearance of Ruby Moon. The whole play follows the Journey of two parents struggling to come to terms with the fact that their little baby girl is gone. Ruby Moons dramatic form, performance style, techniques and conventions to convey ideas, influence the way in which an audience interprets what is presented or represented in the theatre. I choose to create my monologue based on Ruby Moon due to the fact that the plot seemed very interesting and I anted to explore more in depth as to what actually happened to Ruby as she went to visit her Grandmas. My interpretation of the piece is coming from Rubys perspective and describing what really happened at each of the houses. I dont specifically say exactly who killed her as that is up to the audiences interpretation as I thought it was a very clever technique to use I kept it in. The suspense of not knowing who killed her is such a key element in this play as every character plays a part in her disappearance however big or small. Each character in my adaption all see Ruby efore she disappears, but who was really responsible? No one ever knows? What contribution towards ruby did each character have? Dulcie- The Old Catholic Spinster with the talking parrot. Ruby didnt like Dulcie and wanted to cause as much trouble to her as possible without getting caught. She would steal Dulcies parrot and teach it sinful words so when Dulcie would talk to it, it would swear or say something rude. Dulcie and Ruby never got along because of the fact that Ruby wasnt catholic and she encouraged her to be. When Ruby went to church she caused havoc throughout the whole service and it wasnt uncommon to ee her be thrown out on usual occasions. This always upset Dulcie and made her believe Ruby had the devil in her and this created a strong hatred towards her. Sid- The sketchy clown who always had a particular strong liking for Ruby due to her youthful young appearance and innocent features. He always looked forward to her trips over to his house as he would make her face disappear and make her look ten years older then she was. He always considered her to be one of his closest friends as they used to play dress ups and other games. Sid was known for prying on young ouths thats why he was told he must retire as a clown as he was suspected for being a paedophilia. He didnt sexually assault ruby he merely admired her company and wanted her to be his close friend and nothing more was needed. He had a deep crush on veronica Vale and longed to be with her even though that was never going to happen as veronica did not like him. Veronica- The best singer on Flamming tree Ruby singing lessons in exchange for her going to the bottle shop to buy her whisky. Ruby would never stay long as Veronica had men lined up all the time waiting to ome over to her house and hear her sing. So her visits to Veronicas were always very short and sweet. .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .postImageUrl , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:hover , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:visited , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:active { border:0!important; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:active , .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucad6e8ced6a39825ac4e20d5bcf65a2e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Symbolism EssaySonny Jim- The old retired solder who told worn torn stories of his past with his dog companion by his side. Ruby was absolutely obsessed with him he had this charm that made him so likeable and his uniform Just added another dimension. His stories would keep her on the edge of her seat always wanting more. Jim and Ruby always used to tell stories and talk late into the afternoon and thats all they did nothing harmful Just talk. He would occasionally put his uniform on for her nd parade around the house but this was a rare treat for her and wouldnt happen every visit. He did however seem like the most obvious to commit the crime as eyewitnesses say they saw him in the graveyard digging up an old grave which he suspected was Rubys however it was Just a doll. Dawn- The obsessive-compulsive babysitter with a mad temper who was completely infatuated by Ruby and wanted to be Just like her. She always pretened to be the best babysitter for Ruby by acting like a big sister however when Ruby wasnt there she would go down in her basement and make dolls which would resemble Ruby. She would make hundreds of them day and night until she would make a perfect one. One she had made them she would dismantle them signifying her absolute hatred for the girl and how much better Ruby was then she was. The dolls would symbolise the same things, as the voodoo dolls so anything dawn did to them she thought the same would happen to Ruby. She was the one responsible for giving Ruby her doll and created the pieces, which could be sent to Sylvie, and Rays house however she was not the one who sent them. Carl Ogle- The mad crazy terrible scientist whose experiments always failed. He was always making up weird and crazy experiments, which would help the scientific community to recognise his talent. He experimented with making concoctions, which were supposed to do certain things and make people better however they would always fail. So whenever Ruby came over to his house her would always ask her if she would like to try his latest and greatest concoction. She never seemed to refuse and in the end it was all those crazy things carl gave her that finally sent her over the edge. He was still not responsible for killing her however. He did send the packages f the dismantled pieces of the Ruby doll to Rubys house which he found in the trash of the house across the street. The main idea for all the characters and there part they played in the disappearance of Ruby came from the original play by Matt Cameron however much of it I made up as it flowed nicely into my adaption. I still do not say who killed her however I highly hint some suspects could have definitely but I specifically say whom. A main contributor to the things I wrote came from past child disappearance stories where children walk out their front doors and never return home again due to being kidnapped. Some of the characters have aspects from the suspects who may have taken real children in those stories. Ruby moon is similar to the play stolen as it involves the unjust conditions, which adults conduct towards children. Stolen involves aboriginal children being taken away from their parents to be forced to grow up like the European culture. Where as ruby focuses on the nature of human beings and how disgusting they can be. They both focus on family loss, disappearing without a trace. They both involve kids being taken against their own free will and what happens once they are gone. Once a child has been separated from their family their growth and development is compromised, as the parents are not by their side. .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .postImageUrl , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:hover , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:visited , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:active { border:0!important; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:active , .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558 .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ca4213d135c0587b11284022c368558:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tiger Eyes EssayStolen focuses these repercussions, which cause a great deal of hardship for the family and the children. Taking the children away-enforced hardship that stumped growth and early learning. My performance focusing on Rubys experiences will be conducted with me sitting on a chair telling people what actually happened to me and why I am like what I am today. My costume will be similar to Rubys red dress however the colour is optional between red or blue ecause red symbolises alive and blue symbolise death. My costume can be a mix so as the audience is still confused whether I am actually alive or not. I will have no shoes on my hair will be in two little piggy tails to signify that I am still a little child. I will have a little dolly, which is called little ruby, and I will hold that the whole time. My costume is mainly based on the one seen in the play however certain aspects have been changed to fit in with my adaption of it. My adaption encompasses much of the plays information however presents it in a slightly different way.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Introduction The issue of farmers shifting to the organic means of farming raises questions in terms of whether there will be an increase in the supply of food in the whole world. Therefore, this work tries to solve the question by considering the advantages of using the organic means of farming in relation to the convention means of farming. In addition, the paper covers some of the shortcomings of the organic means of farming in details.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Large-Scale Organic Farming and Food Supply specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It has also considered the role of the organic way of farming, in as far as the issue of environmental sustainability with relation to stable supply of enough food to the population, is concerned. The world food supply has been one of the main issues that everyone is extremely worried about, especially with the great impacts of global warming, which is affecting food sec urity. This aspect holds because many different parts of the world are experiencing hunger. Parties shove blame to each other. However, the question that remains in the mind of many people is whether the world can be able to achieve a sustainable environment as well as maintain a stable supply of enough food to the population. One of the millennium development goals is to ensure environmental sustainability. The achievement of this goal is through sustainable development. Sustainable development refers to the form of development that perfectly caters for the needs of all the current generations, while ensuring that the future generation’s ability to cater for their needs is not compromised in any manner (Thomas 272). Development in itself entails the process of social, economic, and environmental development because development revolves around these three factors. This means that, the principles of development are defined, in the three components, to achieve the balance, whic h is sustainable development. In addition, the measure of the three factors as the indicators shows the level of sustainability. The problems in the three systems are usually related, and that means their solutions too are related (Thomas 285). The issue of environmental sustainability comes up due to the emerging ways of farming like the great shift of the farmers to the use of organic methods of farming. In whatever man does with the environment, it is particularly crucial to ensure its sustainability, since the environment can do without man, but man cannot do without the environment. Large-scale shift to organic farming is not the way to increase world food supply. This statement has been particularly controversial, as far as issues of the environment, are concerned.Advertising Looking for essay on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Is a large-scale shift to organic farming the best way to increase world food sup ply? Ways used in organic farming include the following; recycling of the crop waste as well as the animal manures, crop rotation, right time and soil cultivation, use of legumes waste and green manure and mulching on the entire soil surface (Francis 244). Currently, due to the emerging issues of food scarcity, many farmers devised means and ways to increase their farms productivity. One of the most favourable ways to the farmers in terms of the cost is the use of organic agricultural ways of farming, which has a decidedly strong potential to increase the soil value and not necessarily the agricultural productivity (Thomas 282). In actual sense, the use of the organic agricultural method is one of the means by which most parts of the world are achieving sustainable supply of food as well as environmental sustainability. However, other effects are involved. It is one of the methods if combined with the conventional methods is known to cause biological poisoning through a process call ed bioaccumulation and bio concentration. This method is whereby these organic chemicals accumulates in the soil or the environment, like the air, and then the first organism takes them in a given food chain before getting to the bodies of human beings, in a poisonous form. An example is the use of fertilizers in a farm to grow crops (Lotter 39). This technology causes chemical deposits in the rivers or seas due to runoffs. Then the fish in the waters accumulates the chemicals in their body, and eventually human beings consume the fish containing the chemical deposits causing harmful effects, like cancers, in their body. Organic farming entails the use of manure, pest control through biological means, and the use of pesticides approved organically. It does not involve the use of any synthetic chemicals or fertilizers. It is one of the best ways to upgrade the health of the soil, health of the people, as well as the ecosystem (Thomas 287). This aspect stands because it only involves ecological processes, cycles and biodiversity that are remarkably adapted to the entire locally existing conditions. However, it combines some innovative efforts, traditional methods as well as the scientific methods for it to be successful in terms of environmental sustainability and food production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Large-Scale Organic Farming and Food Supply specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, this method has been found limiting, in terms of food productivity, because of the claims aired that; it is not a reliable method to achieve an increase in farm productivity. The use of green manure for instance adds value to the soil. However, the method does not cater for the issues of pests (Francis 236). Pests like the locusts could raid the crops and this means that, the crops will grow exceptionally well, but up to a certain age of their growth there. In such circumstances, failure to use synt hetic pesticides affects the production. Therefore, as much as it is exceptionally beneficial in terms of the soil improvement, it is not necessarily the best method to increase the farm’s productivity. Organic method of farming is one of the methods approved as an economic method of farming because it entails the use of locally available manure or even the sewage to cultivate (Francis 250). It does not entail the use of commercially attained chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. Another aspect that increases its popularity is the fact that, when used well, it hardly causes any water pollution, hence boosting the efforts of the environmentalist of achieving environmental sustainability through the control of pollution, as well as the achievement of agro-biodiversity. Organic method of farming causes some effects to the health of the human beings. This happens in cases where the fertilizer in use is the sewage. Sewage harbours a sizeable number of microorganisms, which are extremely lethal to the health of the human beings (Halberg 309). For examples, the plants that have been feeding on the fertilizer may take some of these microorganisms up. Then on harvest, some of these crops like the vegetables or fruits are eater raw. On consumption, the consumer falls sick due to the acquisition of these microorganisms. Some of them are known to be thermophillic in that, they need a strong deal of heat for them to be destroyed, so for vegetables that are not cooked thoroughly to preserve nutrients, may contain these microorganisms (Halberg 309). Examples of such organisms are the tapeworms, round worms and the E. coli among others.Advertising Looking for essay on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The issue of feeding the population does not just involve filling up the stomach. The issue of the nutritional value of what one is feeding on is of paramount importance. Most people believe that the use of the organic method of farming which of course produces organic foods is healthier than the foods produced through conventional method of farming. However, scientific research proved that the organic fruits, as well as the vegetables, contain exceedingly few agrochemical particles than their counter part of conventional means (Francis 240). Therefore, if the population tend to go for the organic means in comparison to the convention farming may mean that the population will suffer in terms of some nutrients deficiency. Such a circumstance means that the population will be fed and at a less cost, but with less nutritional valued food. This means that, the organic means of farming is advantageous in one way or another. Another crucial factor, which makes the organic means of farming unusually favourable, is the fact that it entails an integrated interaction of water, minerals, soil, micro flora, animals, insects, and human beings. It leads to a great deal of production and at the same time achieves environmental sustainability in the form of conservation of the soil (Lotter 34). This method also involves human resources are locally achieved meaning that, there is no need for anyone to go for any training to achieve satisfactory results. In addition, the method leaves room for crops rotation. Organic method, in comparison to the conventional methods, yields less production of the crops because, in the conventional methods, there is the application of the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, and other chemical, which are known to boost the productivity of the farm. However, this conventional method of farming causes significant environmental damage, as well as the health damage. For instance, the use of the synthetic fertilizers in farming is one of the greatest causes of cancers in the human beings. This happens when there is the issue of bioaccumulation of these chemicals in the plants, then consumed by the human beings later (Halberg 308). In addition, the issue of environmental damage comes in place when the chemicals used, due to some of their residues, cause harm to the soil meaning that its productivity is minimised. This harm is because of some of the most notable microorganisms in the soil, which aids in soil fertility. In addition, due to the issue of leaching, the ground water is contaminated which later affects the health of man (Paul 119). Another manner, in which this causes environmental damage, is through the sprayed fertilizers. Some of these aerosols get to the environment. These chemicals, some of them are significant participants to global warming through the green house effect. Organic farming entails the use of other ways to prevent diseases, weeds, and pests instead of using inorganic chemicals. The follo wing are the ways used in organic farming; use of crop resistant, crop rotation, appropriate cultivation practices, good crop choice and planning, use of predators that eat the pests, use of natural pesticides and increasing use of genetic diversity (Halberg 310). Organic farming does not necessarily mean use of tradition ways of farming. It uses some of the best traditional ways of farming in combination with the modern ways of farming. Farmers use all the materials, techniques, and knowledge availed by nature to improve the productivity of the farms. In most cases, organic farmers ensure they only keep the pests, insects, and weeds at a controllable rate to reap the full benefit provided by them (Halberg 308). This method improves productivity in that it entails a combination of more than one technique, which is not harmful to the environmental or human health. For example, careful cultivation in combination with the use of green manure, leads to high productivity. Organic farming increases food production in that it leads to â€Å"long-term fertility of the soil and ensures control of diseases and pest without inflicting harm to the environment† (Thomas 270). It avoids water pollution, involves the use of the resources readily available to the farmer, hence the farmer does not use great resources, and leads to the production of nutritious foods both for human beings and animals. On the other hand, conventional farming, which entails modern and intensive agriculture, leads to extreme problems. The following are the main challenges: the use of artificial fertilizers causes low organic content matter in the soil easily eroded by the rain and wind (Paul 117). It leads to serious dependency on artificial and purchased fertilizers. Consequently, the cost of production is high. This means that, even if the production is high, cost of production too is high meaning that, in actual sense, the food production is not increased. The emerging issue of most farmer s shifting to the organic means of farming does not necessary mean that food production increases. However, it is supremely evident that this method of farming known to yield other advantages like cost effectiveness in food production because this organic manure is readily available and even if purchased, it will not cost much. It controls of soil pollution as well as maintaining the nutritional value of the soil because these manures do not contain any synthetic chemicals harmful to the environment (Paul 115). In addition, by these means, the quality of food produced improves the flavour, the taste, and some essential nutrients. However, it is one of the methods if combined with the conventional methods is known to cause biological poisoning through a process called bioaccumulation and bio concentration. This aspect occurs whereby these organic chemicals accumulate in the soil or the environment, like the air, and then the first organism takes them in a certain food chain, before g etting to the bodies of the human beings, in a poisonous form. An outstanding example is the uses of the fertilizers in a farm to grow crops. Then, due to runoffs, the chemicals deposited in the rivers or the seas affect the health of people. Conclusion Through evidence-based research, report shows that organic farming does not increase the world food supply. It is a favourable means of farming because of its ability to preserve the environment and produce nutritious food (Lotter 40). It is also the best way to eradicate hunger, but it is not the way to increase food production. This aspect is due to some of the techniques used not only to preserve the soil, but also to enable the arid areas accommodate farming using crop resistance. Another argument is by the Nobel Peace Price winner and plant breed, Mr. Borlaug Norman, in the year 2002, that organic farming causes starvation because it entails utilization of a large portion of land to produce, as much as conventional ways of farmi ng utilizes, yet the production is less (Lotter 35). He further argued that the greatest human catastrophe in the future is not global warming, but the shift to organic farming. His reason being that organic farming instead decreases production yet the world population of growing at an alarming rate. This argument gets backing from the US, which shows that some methods of organic farming can produce as much as conventional methods (Paul 111). The research showed that low production in the use of organic farming happens during the first years of farming because the farm’s soil is still absorbing the nutrients, which takes much time as compared to the use of synthetic fertilizers. A research shows that organic farming is best suitable for the developing countries because it is suitable for their ecological settings (Lotter 29). Most of the countries are arid and semiarid, and farmers should prevent loss of moisture hence ensuring the crops do not dry up. The emphases on the use of cover crops, manure, compost and increase in organic matter help, in water retention. By doing that, they countries will increase their yield, and as a result, they will be able to feed their large population. Works Cited Francis, Charles. Organic Farming: The Ecological System. Canada: ASA-CSSA-SSSA, 2009. Print. Halberg, Niels. Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. New York: CABI, 2006. Print. Lotter, Don. â€Å"Organic Agriculture.† Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 21.4 (2003): 29-40. Print. Paul, John. â€Å"The Uptake of Organic Agriculture: A Decade of Worldwide Development.† Journal of Social and Development Sciences 2.3 (2011): 111-120. Print. Thomas, Easton. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Environmental Issues Expanded. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2009. Print. This essay on Large-Scale Organic Farming and Food Supply was written and submitted by user D0ct0rSpectrum to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Large Modern cosmology Different communities hold different views about the initiation of the universe.  The ancestors explained the  universe  using various unsubstantiated myths and misconceptions based on their everyday observations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Large-scale universe to Milky Way specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Biblical view  embrace  nature while cosmologists put it that the universe begun by an  explosion  called Big Bang. Modern cosmology gained popularity around 1918 following the discoveries of Robert Einstein as it pertains to relativity theory. Previously it was thought that the earth was unchanging and remained as it were before. The scientists held a debate in the US to discuss the structure of the cosmos. The advent of the modern cosmology  is based  on extensive evidence supported by full observations and theories. â€Å"The cosmology of today attempt to explain the commencement, the  current  state  and eventual  end  of the universe† (Scott 2003). The modern cosmology can explicitly  explain  the Big Bang Theory using the greatest  particle  smasher. It explains how  different  galaxies erupted when the  universe  came into being like the Milky Way. The big bang theory There are moments when the universe was not there and the time when it came into being. The Big Bang Theory explains all the scenarios which took place during that time span. The universe erupted from one  minute  substance. This took place fourteen years ago. The  grain  had extremely high pressure, density and  intensity. Ideally the source of this  singular  thing  is not known. It reached a time when it expanded and finally cooled down thus present circumstances. It is presently controlled and gigantic in size.  This  theory  is  surrounded  by some myths. Some people claim that the  tiny  feature  blasted like a bomb blast. The best experiment so far was performed in Geneva support the Big Bang Theory.  It is the greatest experiment which used massive particles smasher and branded the world’s  dominant  experiment. This giant smasher gave an insight to  many scientists. It involved two streams of particles travelling at astonishingly high  speed  towards each other. The  speed  was  commensurate to that of light; furthermore, there was an unusually high temperature in the  tunnel. The protons colliding at elevated energies gave an insight on the atoms and forces which could  answer  the origin of the universe (Bivek 2010). This enabled the atoms to  melt  into a unique form. They could not take diverse variety of matter. The Milky Way One form of the galaxy, which houses the solar system plus other  numerous  stars,  is estimated  at three billion. The Milky Way compromises of planets together with their stars. This  group  is  vast  and estimated at approximately 900 billion solar masses.Advertising Looking for essay on astronomy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is the most  enormous  galaxy; however, specie of the  galaxy  called Andromeda is also  immense. It is the  group  of the stream of light that  streak  out on the sky at night. A shadow may be formed when viewed from  quite  dark places. The hub of the Milky Way is  exceedingly  bright thus is usually called the Scorpius area. There are two bright stars towards the right where the dark valley lies. These stars are called  Beta and Alpha. The Lyra and the Vega are to the left of the structure. It consists of a  base region  usually surrounded by a  mass  of stars, gaseous and solid particles. The whole structure is a four armed  structure  spiraling out in a logarithmic nature. The distribution of mass is closely related thus forming  loose  arms. Refere nces Bivek S. (2010). Big Bang experiment successful. NDTV Web. Scott D. (2003). Modern cosmology. California: Elsevier. This essay on Large-scale universe to Milky Way was written and submitted by user Tristen F. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.