Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Project Change Management System

Question: Write an essay onProject Change Management System. Answer: Change is the universal law and this quotation can be more applied in the field of the project management. The changes in regards to the project management are known as the changes, revisions and deletions of the goals and objectives of the projects. Moreover, in a project management, there will be addition and decrease of the project costs and all these factors will be considered as changes in the project management. The article has focused exclusively on the changes on the area of the project managements and the various tools used by the companies and the methods applied by the companies. The methods and technique mentioned are very much helpful in making the changes necessary to the projects. The changes are found to be essential in the management of the projects and the risk management of the companies needs to be in place. The survey conducted found that management of the risks is an integral part of the companies. Moreover, the change management system is divided into two levels, level 1 and level 2. First level relates to the principles and the second process deals with the process of the managements. The level of the changes has different classifications and can be divided as, recognizing changes, evaluating change, implementing changes and improving on the area of the changes (Kerzner, 2013). Change in the culture Previous studies have found that implementing changes is not an easy task and the existing culture plays an important role in the change culture of the company. Study conducted by Project Management Institute revealed that, the cultures of the companies are not able to adapt to the change culture. It is the responsibility of the managerial personnel to influence changes and apply those in the ground field. Without making the changes, it is not possible for the companies to stay in the market and evolve. They have to convince the employees about the importance of the changes and make them understand that all changes are not bad and will affect them badly. Change culture is important and at the same time, it is important for the company to emphasize on the balanced work culture. At the same time, the detrimental changes are very much important and they need to minimize largely and make the implementation of the changes successful (Cameron Green, 2015). Implementation of changes The next phase coming in the cycle is the implementation of the changes and the subsequent evaluation of the changes in the particular projects. Evaluating the changes is an important factor in implementing changes. As per the study conducted, evaluating the changes starts with the timeliness of the decision, prioritizing the decisions as urgent, semi-urgent or passable and then the data is collected and then the method is directly goes to the evaluation part. Evaluation of the changes will determine the fate of the project. The project will take into operations, once the evaluation phase is over. The CII research wing found that not all the formal process of the company is necessary in implementing then changes. In many of the instances, informal set up of the company are found to be effective for implementing the changes. The set up of the company is not important but the functioning and the workings of the management surely is. It is important to observe that even if the upper man agement of the company gives the green signal to the project the next important phase is the implementation phase (Hornstein, 2015). The implementation will be possible when the employees at the ground level are able to understand it fully and make it implemented. On the other hand, the study further reveals that the changes in one field will lead to problems and repercussions on other side. The management of the company has to take care of this fact and make the changes accordingly. In this regards, monitoring the changes is an important concept that the company must make to track the changes of the company and suitable changes to be provided by the company. Monitoring process serves as an opportunity to the project management team for the betterment of the overall activities and the changes that is required to be made. Substantial documentation is required to be made in the process and different impacts are identified and resolved so that the company can reach better positions and improve the efficiency in the market (Hayes, 2014). Learning from the outcome This is the last principle that is applied in the total model and the company can rectify themselves and the continuously evolve themselves. The root causes are identified and simultaneously efforts are made to rectify the same thing and the projects of the company are succeeded. The analysis must not be restricted to the upper managerial level and must trickle down to the lower level of the management of the company as well. The discussions among the team members will help the company generate new and fresh ideas among the team as well as the company. This in turn will help the company in improving the performance and increase the prospects of the company. It is important for the team members to have a basic understanding of the root causes of the problems and it will further help the team members in repeating the similar mistakes in the future (Stark, 2015). The prime advantage of the last method of approach is to have a right approach, think about the goals of the company and at the same time, manage the problems in a manner that is effective as well as of progressive manner. Progression is necessary in making the changes and being dynamic in the scenario so that the company can be a market leader and achieve the objectives of the company. Project management is a dynamic process and the two-stage model will make the company achieve objectives of company. Discussion Recognizing, evaluation, documentation and learning forms the basis of the change management system and the company has to follow the above mentioned scenarios in the change management system. The team members have to learn from the mistakes of the previous conduct and this will help to reduce the conflicts among the team members and help the company in making achieving results faster and in an effective manner (Parker et al., 2013). On the other hand, it is not possible for the company to insert the changes in the model without proper adaption. Proper adaption will help the company in creating proper platform to make the changes and help the company in achieving the desired objectives. Moreover, this is important for the company to also look at the implementation process and this particular area will help the company in proper implementing the various changes made in the project of the company. On the contrary the principles and methods applied in the theory will be applicable in th e change management of the project (Frankland et al., 2013). Conclusion Changes are indeed necessary in any sort of matters and this is particularly true in matters of the project management. Project management is a very dynamic field and the management has to be agile in this matter and implement change. Moreover, in the implementation phase the company has to be really cautious and make team decisions accordingly. Teamwork will help the company in identifying the root causes and make changes in the implementation phases accordingly. The two level implementation process will help the company in making and implementing changes. All these factors will help the company in achieving the objectives and goals of the company. Reference Turner, J. R. (2014).The handbook of project-based management(Vol. 92). McGraw-hill. Kerzner, H. R. (2013).Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Cameron, E. Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: a complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), 291-298. Hayes, J. (2014).The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Stark, J. (2015).Product lifecycle management(pp. 1-29). Springer International Publishing. Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A., D. Pathak, R. (2013). Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,62(5), 534-544. Frankland, R., Mitchell, C. M., Ferguson, J. D., Sziklai, A. T., Verma, A. K., Popowski, J. E., Sturgeon, D. H. (2013).U.S. Patent No. 8,484,111. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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